Within the governance structure of the College, faculty members of the International Programs Committee (of Faculty Council) advance the strategic direction of IPO, consult on policy development and implement essential processes.
Student Preparation & Advising
Recommendation: Faculty recommendations are an essential element in determining appropriate preparation for study abroad. Please log into the using your My日本无码 username and password. (Note: Please be aware that this link may change that it may not work for all faculty users, especially if you are a first-time user).
Semester Abroad Course Approval: Through the Course Approval process, we collaborate with faculty to ensure that advisees pursue study abroad courses which contribute to progress toward the degree (college requirements, major, minor and core).
- (use the filters to narrow by major, minor and program)
Funding, Sponsoring or Facilitating non-credit travel:
Course Development
Requests for funding for faculty travel will be subject to the following considerations.
- Coincide with IPO business at the location such as current affiliation site visit, problem-solving, new partnership development, etc at the discretion of the director.
- Course development site visits funded only following the on-campus approval process such as completion of an FLC on abroad course development, written proposal reviewed by IPO/IPO (off-cycle acceptable), proposal approval by IPC/APC, or combination with point 1.
- $1,000 maximum to supplement other sources.
- IPO will consult with Dean's Office so as not to over-award in combination with Faculty Development or Faculty Travel Funds.
- Minimum half-day, or six-hour site visit utilizing IPO visit protocol.
- Written report due to IPO prior to reimbursement.
- Availability of IPO funds.
Being a "CSA": Campus Security Authorities
Faculty or staff leading a course or research abroad team are designated as a campus security authority (CSA). As a CSA you are designated by the College as an individual to report crimes. For more information .
Faculty-Led Richter Projects
Faculty-Led Richter research and creative practice projects make a big impact on students and faculty at Occidental.