
The primary goal of this program is to help students succeed in their academic work.

Why Does it Exist?

Academic concern exists to help students reflect on barriers to academic success and to work with professionals to develop strategies to eliminate these barriers.  Many departments and services across the campus work to help students move to good standing academically. These include, but are not limited to, Emmons Student Wellness Center, Financial Aid, the Advising Center, Disability Services, Peer Tutoring, and Faculty Office Hours.

The Dean of Students office works in collaboration with Academic Affairs and the Registrar's Office to coordinate academic success planning meetings with all students who are placed on academic concern.   

What鈥檚 the Process?

After the Registrar's Office posts grades at the end of each term, the Student Progress Committee notifies students who earn either a cumulative or term grade point average below 2.0 and places them on academic concern, based on committee decision.  Students placed on probation must:

  1. Meet with someone from the Dean of Students office at least once to discuss issues that negatively impacted the semester, review support resources, and develop a success plan for the next term that incorporates appropriate resources.  Topics discussed may include time management, transition to college, and study skills. A hold is placed on the student鈥檚 registration for the next term until this meeting occurs.

  2. Meet with their faculty academic advisor to review the success plan and address academic strategies.

Students are encouraged, but not required, to schedule periodic meetings throughout the term with the Dean of Students office, their academic advisor, and their professors.

Contact Student Affairs